AutoTURN Online Help
Managing Drawings in AutoTURN Online / Export a Drawing
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    Export a Drawing
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    To Export a Drawing:

    IMPORTANT! The exported drawing includes the current view of the background image. If the drawing is zoomed out at the moment of export, minor details could be lost in the exported image. Working with large drawings, you are recommended to zoom in on a particular area of interest each time you export a drawing.

    1. Open the desired drawing.
    2. Click the Menu button, and then click Export.

    AutoTURN Online will extract the simulation geometry from the drawing and save it in a file that will be stored in your browser's default download location.

    AutoTURN Online drawings are saved in the following formats:

    Drawing Background

    Export Format

    Image - JPEG/PNG


    CAD - DWG


    CAD - DXF




    Note: A drawing with a Google Maps background will be exported as an image file.