AutoTURN Online Help
Simulation Tools / Manage Simulations
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    Manage Simulations
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    Manages vehicle simulations.

    Note: This tool requires an existing vehicle simulation in the drawing.

    To manage vehicle simulations in the drawing, on the Simulation Tools toolbar, click Manage Simulations.

    To Change the Default Name of a Vehicle Simulation:

    In the Manage Simulations dialog box, under Simulation Name, select the default name of the vehicle simulation, and then type the desired name.

    To Hide a Vehicle Simulation in the Drawing:

    In the Manage Simulations dialog box, turn off the Show switch next to the name of the vehicle simulation you want to hide in the drawing.

    Note: A hidden vehicle simulation is not exported with the drawing (see Managing Drawings in AutoTURN Online -> To Export a Drawing).

    To Show a Vehicle Simulation in the Drawing:

    In the Manage Simulations dialog box, ensure that the Show switch next to the name of the vehicle simulation you want to display in the drawing is turned on.