AutoTURN Online Help
Parking Tools / Add Stalls to Element
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    Add Stalls to Element
    In This Topic

    Creates a row of parking stalls along existing geometry. You can pick elements that have been created by using the Draw Polyline tool from the General Toolbar, or, if you are using a CAD geometry background, you can pick an element in the background.

    This tool uses the settings specified in the Settings and Dimensions tabs.

    To Generate a Row From Elements:

    1. On the Parking Tools toolbar, click Add Stalls to Element. The Add Stalls to Element dialog box displays.
    2. In the drawing, pick an arc, line, or polyline to use as the base geometry for the row.
      Note: To use a polyline as the base geometry, pick each polyline segment individually.
    3. By default, the parking row is centered on the selected element. To change the orientation of the parking row relative to the selected element and/or to have parking stalls only on one side of the row, click an appropriate button on the toolbar that displays.
    4. (Optional) Pick another arc, line, or polyline to use as the base geometry for the next row. Repeat this step as necessary, provided there are more elements in the drawing to use as the base geometry.
    5. When you have finished generating the row, click the Finish button or right-click, and then click Finish on the shortcut menu.


    Use this tab to define the settings for generating or editing rows of stalls (see Quick Draw Row of Stalls, Add Stalls to Element, or Edit Element).

    Stall Type

    To select a stall type, click one of the following buttons.

    Stall Side

    To select the orientation of the parking row relative to the row centerline and/or to have parking stalls only on one side of the row, click one of the following buttons.

    Note: The Left and Right settings are based on the vector direction determined by the start and end points of the row, not on your left or right.

    Align Sides

    Aligns the left side stalls with the right side stalls in a double sided row.

    Note: The alignment only occurs within the row. This setting does not align the stalls between two or more rows in a lot.

    Stall Direction

    Changes the open direction of angled stalls. This setting reverses the traffic flow direction between the rows. It can be used with layouts that employ angles other than 90 degrees.

    Wheel Stops

    Toggles the generation of wheel stops within the stalls.

    End Islands

    Toggles the generation of islands at the row ends.

    Stall Justification

    Minimum End Island Width

    Defines the minimum width of end islands.

    Line Thickness

    Defines the thickness of the stall and spine lines.


    Use this tab to define the parking stall dimensions for generating or editing rows of stalls (see Quick Draw Row of Stalls, Add Stalls to Element, or Edit Element).

    AutoTURN Online incorporates parking stall dimensions based on published standards from multiple jurisdictions. You can select the appropriate standard for your region, or you can define your own custom dimensions.

    Standard Dimensions

    To select a parking standard, click the desired parking standard in the list. The Stall Angle, Vehicle Size, and Parking Class lists will change to display the parameters available for the selected parking standard.

    Stall Angle

    Sets the angle at which stalls are generated in a row relative to the row centerline.

    Vehicle Size

    Sets the vehicle size for the generated stalls. The vehicle size is a classification of the general size of the vehicles intended to use the stalls in a layout.

    Parking Class

    Sets the parking class for the generated stalls. The parking class usually identifies typical stall widths associated with turnover/user characteristics.

    Aisle Type

    Defines whether the traffic accessing the parking stalls will be coming from one direction only ( One Way) or from both directions ( Two Way). This setting affects the Aisle Width value (see Aisle Width below) as the two-way traffic may require a larger aisle width to allow vehicles to pass. When rows are generated, they will be placed at the aisle distance as defined by the layout of the currently selected parking standard.

    Stall Length

    Displays the length of the parking stall as measured along the stall line.

    Stall Width

    Displays the perpendicular distance between two stall lines.

    Aisle Width

    Displays the distance between the access line and the end of the stall lines. The aisle width depends on whether the aisle type is set to One Way or Two Way (see Aisle Type above). The aisle width for both one-way and two-way traffic is defined by the layout of the currently selected parking standard. In some cases, the One Way and the Two Way values are the same.

    Custom Dimensions

    Defines custom dimensions (Stall Angle, Stall Length, Stall Width, and Aisle Width).

    Stall Angle

    Sets the angle at which stalls are generated in a row relative to the row centerline.

    Stall Length

    Sets the length of the parking stall as measured along the stall line.

    Stall Width

    Sets the distance measured perpendicularly between two stall lines.

    Aisle Width

    Sets the distance required for vehicles to navigate into and out of parking stalls and for driving between rows of stalls.